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CSS ecommerce template

Posted on by Clive Walker in CSS Ecommerce

I wrote this post a while back. The content can still be relevant but the information I've linked to may not be available.

CSS and XHTML compliant ecommerce shopping cart systems are definitely the way forward. Using tables for layout design purposes can lead to complex nested table layouts which are not as accessible as they might be.

Web standards-based design is increasingly being used and for accessibility reasons tables should not be used for layout. This ecommerce template is a new design where the layout is 100% CSS and is XHTML compliant.

CSS ecommerce template

This means that a single CSS file controls the main layout and the code is more streamlined than a tables-layout design. The template is available as PHP-based or ASP-based (depending on whether you have Unix/Linux or Windows hosting).

Tabular data for products and other shopping cart functions within the ecommerce template is still best displayed using tables. After all, that’s what tables were originally intended for.

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